CALL +1-312/477-0410 AND SAY "YES, Hate Sucks.™ AND I AM NOT GOING TO STAND FOR IT!"
"All statements become property of AlmostLive!™"
Well, yes! Hate Sucks.™
What does that mean? Hate Sucks.™ is more than a trademark: it is a philosophy that most major religions and philophies back. This is the idea that, simply put, hate shouldn't be around.
There is NO REASON to hate someone else! I mean, why should you spend all that time and energy and anger and aggravation and STRESS over someone else?
What I'm saying isn't that you shouldn't not hate someone that beats you up, smashes up your car, or attempts to kill you. I'm saying two things:
1. Hating someone for being different is pointless.
2. If you hate someone for screwing you up or screwing you over, eventually you should get over it and not care.
If everyone were to live by this simple idea of not hating people who simply are DIFFERENT, the world would be a better place.
Now, that's why I have the Hate Sucks.™ shirts. These are T-shirts that basically say to the world, "Hey World! I'm smart enough to figure out that hating people who are different is lame and stupid!"
What this shirt also says is that you support places and organizations that promote this same philosophy of not hating people because of differences in sex, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other kind of physical or philosophical difference. One example is Amnesty International, an organization which works towards freeing prisoners of conscience, or people like those listed above who neither use or endorse the use of violence. I am still trying to think about other organizations that are along these lines, but $5.00 from the purchase price of each shirt goes towards these organizations.
An especially important note is sexual orientation. I am not homosexual or bisexual, but I and many other people think that which way a person swings and which sex a person prefers to sleep with isn't important. So why you have bastards like some that one Kansas congregation protesting a FUNERAL and a commitment of a couple.. Makes me sick. I mean, besides the fact that they have no respect for the dead by condemning the life of that college kid solely on his sexual preference-- nevermind he may have been a saint in everything else. This shirt is also a symbol that "I CONDEMN the acts of those who would defile and condemn people based on what they are as opposed to who they are!"
If you are interested in this shirt, and would like more info as in pictures of the shirts, please send me an email at: [email protected]
If you are a close-minded prick that finds what I say to be between offensive to your "higher" sensibilities and blasphemous to your "higher" religion, please send mail to the webmaster. Any emails of this form sent to the wrong address will be subject to a $500 proofreading fee and will be posted on this page.
Also... AIDS Sucks.™
Tuesday 1 December is World Aids Day. This is a day to remember the devastating effects of this nastiest of nasty diseases. This is by far the worst virus that mankind has ever had to deal with. There is NO CURE and no treatment exists which isn't also quite nasty on the body.
And to you fundamentalist-type bastards who think "AIDS is God's Cure for FAGS" or some other such bullshit, kindly that heterosexual populations are getting HIV faster than homosexual or bisexual populations are.
Proceeds from this shirt go to help the Internation AIDS Vaccine Initiative, a not-for-profit that's trying to make HIV infection as harmless as getting the flu.
See above for the email addresses.
The cost of each shirt is $15, and Hate Sucks.™ is also available in a tie-died version for $20 ($8 of which goes to AI and other uch organizations).
CHECK OUT OUR SITE AT: http://almostlive.home.ml.org for the COOLEST radio show on the Internet!
NOTE: "Hate Sucks." and "AIDS Sucks." are trademarks of Wonko The Sane Productions. May not be used without permission.